Grade 2: The Year we had First Communion and First Confession

-------Margot Legarda, Mailou San Gabriel, Fr. Tony Sharma, Vivian Veloria (?), Irene Cordero, Kathleen Santiago, Lally Hidalgo, Lucille Vasquez, Diana Gamboa, Belen Alon, ? Annett Agregado, Marianna Unson

See if you can find these faces: Vivian Honorio, Susan Antonio, Chinggay Evangelista, Monica Francisco, Marilou Fabre, Diane Pardo, Nadine Adad ----------------------------------------------------------------
BELOW: Karen Montenegro, Sandy Harper - San Lo First Communicants

I remember I had this classmate named Evangeline Eigenmann. One day, her lola and mom came to pick her up in school and I realized her mom was Rosemarie Gil, the actress. Well, Ms. Evangeline is now known to most of you as Cherie Gil, also an actress! I also remember a classmate, Naomi Murakami. At some point during the year, I think she converted and had her own First Communion. I think that was the first time I realized that not all the world was born Catholic. That girl could draw so well, and her drawings of people look just like the people in those Japanese pencil boxes, including all the white highlights in the eyes. I remember we kept drawing and drawing and sending in entries to the Shankar art contest in India. Nowadays, when I think of Naomi, I wonder if she is related to the Murakami person who designed the Louis Vuitton line a few years ago!
I can't remember exactly when it started, perhaps in Prep. But it seemed like every Christmas, when we re-enacted the Nativity, I was always chosen to be an angel, together with Vivian and Angela Quirino. All we had to do was wear a white party dress, and voila, we were angels. Mother Mary was always Salvacion "Ton" Locsin. With a face like hers, no one could ever be Mother Mary but her. I wonder where she is now. I last saw her in college in U.P. Speak

My lola also passed away this year. Her wake was at the chapel in Assumption, and her funeral mass was in the middle of the school day. I remember that as we drove out of Assumption, along the driveways, and out of that magnificent black wrought iron gate, the road was lined with Assumption girls and nuns and manangs all the way, to say goodbye to my lola. When I think of that day, I am both proud and sad, that all those girls wanted to say goodbye to her too.
My Grade 2 memories (I was from San Lorenzo) are centered on my breaking my leg and having to go to school in a cast. I remember that toward the end of my convalescence, I one day got tired of waiting in the classroom for someone to (literally) pick me up, and I got up and walked on it and was surprised that it did not hurt.
Grade 2 was the year I devoured Nancy Drew books the moment I was introduced to them.
My best friend then was Valerie Novenario. I also remember a classmate, Pilar (can't remember her last name) who was punished for some infraction by being made to stand at the back of the room. I remember being terrified of the class bully, Elsa Almeda.
I also remember our field trips to movies, though I'm not sure what grade that was - probably 2 and 3 both. Remember how the whole class walked to the movie theater? "Bugsy Malone" and "The Little Prince" stand out in my memory. And I vaguely remember there was a time when Elsa Almeda got into trouble because she was in charge of the tickets for the whole class and lost them or something like that. Whatever happened to Elsa, does anyone know?
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